Hi, my name is Mathieu and I do javascript development and jQuery plugins. You are probably reading this page because of your interest in jQuery threesixty. If you'd like to hire me for a private development or to extend this one, feel free to visit my main site and contact me.
Method mouvemove (cycle:3), direction:"backward"
Method click (cycle:1, resetMargin:10)
Method auto (autoscrollspeed:100)
$("selector").threesixty({images:[array of images], method:'click', direction:'forward', sensibility: 1});
method... can be "click", "mousemove" or "auto"
sensibility to adjust rotation speed
autoscrollspeed to adjust the speed when method "auto" is selected (lower number gives faster rotation)
when method is "click" parameter resetMargin indicates a frame thick of n pixels inside the image. Whenever the mouse get into that zone, the action is disabled. This is used to prevent action to occur outside the picture or is the mouse button is released outside of it. 0=infinity=default. (new in 0.3) [thanks to Darrin Brunner for the input]
parameter direction can be either "forward" or "backward" depending on how your photos were taken and how you want them to appear [Thanks to Pete Baker for the input]
cycle (see demo) (new in 0.2)
Preload images
Display a progress bar expressing loading progress
0.6: Added a method "auto" for making the object simply rotate without user interaction. Tested with jQuery 1.6
0.5: complete re-write. No more browser sniffing. Faster performance. A loading progress bar is shown. Now on Github + MIT licensed.
0.4: added the direction option.
0.3: click method now works then the mouse button is released when mouse cursor is outside the picture. Now runs with jQuery latest (1.3.2). Doesn't require dimension plug-in anymore.
0.2.1: mainly a bug fix for click method, has been checked with ie, firefox and safari.
Future features
Option to zoom into an array of even higher resolution images